We are PT HARMONICS TECHINDO AGUNG, declared that our policy on safety work which based on all activities of our company and the existing regulations of safety work policy in making the product of Wire Harness and Solenoid.

Our work safety policy is about:

  • Obey the laws and regulation to avoid the work accident and always developing the internal goal and target of work safety and health in processing the manufacture, delivery and activities of company.
  • Conduct training and review regularly of each target of work safety and health in order to increase continuously.
  • Always take a positive action and support to the efforts of work safety and health of employment.
  • Endeavors the welfare, safety and work health for all employments.
  • To monitor, investigate, review, analysis and evaluate the implementing of health work and safety in the field.
  • Always internalizing the preventing of work accident is importance.
  • Work safety covering the preventive of production tools and work environmental management.